Tag Archives: Dominica

According to topschoolsintheusa.com, Dominica is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea, between the French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. It has a total area of 751 square kilometers and a population of approximately 73,000 people. The capital city is Roseau and the official language is English. The geography of Dominica features mountainous terrain with volcanic peaks, lush forests, and numerous rivers. Its highest point is Morne Diablotins which stands at 1,447 meters above sea level. Additionally, there are numerous beaches along its coastline such as Batibou Beach and Champagne Beach which attract tourists from around the world. The educational system in Dominica follows a ten-year compulsory education program that includes six years of primary schooling followed by four years of secondary schooling. After completing lower secondary school, students can choose to pursue further studies at one of Dominica’s universities or take up an apprenticeship program at a local business or industry. Additionally, there are numerous non-formal education programs offered throughout the country for those who cannot attend classes on campus due to distance or other reasons. In addition to providing basic academic instruction, the educational system in Dominica also offers numerous extracurricular activities aimed at encouraging students’ personal development and creativity. These activities include sports such as football and basketball as well as music lessons such as playing instruments like piano or guitar, dancing classes such as traditional Caribbean dance or hip hop and art classes such as painting or sculpting. Additionally, there are special programs offered for those who are interested in pursuing careers in science and technology fields such as engineering or computer sciences. Furthermore, there are various scholarships available for those who cannot afford to pursue higher education due to financial restraints. See localcollegeexplorer for Dominica History.

Dominica Modern History

Dominica is a country located in North America. With the capital city of Roseau, Dominica has a population of 71,997 based on a recent census from COUNTRYAAH. At independence in 1978, Dominica was ruled by the Labor Party with party leader Patrick John as head of government. The first time as an independent nation became… Read More »

Dominica Healthcare and Money

Health care Vaccinations Vaccination needed receipt required Eat Drink 3 – cholera no yellow fever 1 malaria no no Typhoid & Polio 2 no Overview Due to the very poor medical care, travel health insurance that includes return transport in an emergency should be taken out before you travel. Treatments must be paid for in… Read More »