The Start of Sales for Amazon FBA

By | March 8, 2024

After your products have been stored on Amazon and you have prepared everything, it is finally time to start selling. You can find out how to approach this most successfully in this article.

You created the listing and you planned the launch. Then it’s finally time for the big step. The start of sales of your first own Amazon FBA product. Basically, all you have to do is follow the launch plan you created. There are now some more details.

The start of sales does not always go as planned

You have drawn up a plan in advance as to how your launch should proceed. But the assumptions made there are not always achieved in reality. So don’t be disappointed if you don’t immediately get the placement you planned. The most important thing is that you do not stop the PPC campaigns after you have started them. Because Amazon sometimes takes a long time to rank you high up. Of course, the basic values ​​such as ratings, sales figures, etc. must be correct. The start of sales can sometimes take longer and you may need several launches. Don’t be discouraged under any circumstances as long as you are sure that your product is better than the competition.

As discussed in the Launch Plan, you can automatically generate test purchases through special Launch Services. You will now find out exactly how this works.

Automatic launch tool

The Launch Services work as follows. The provider attracts real customers with discount campaigns and discounts. You create voucher codes for your products and hand them over to the provider together with your product data. Now customers can receive a voucher code and buy your product at a discount. This way you can achieve a lot of sales right from the start and boost the Amazon algorithm. To achieve good results, you should follow the following guidelines.

  • The discount should be 70-90% in order to find enough test buyers
  • The campaign should last at least 7-10 days
  • The campaign should reach at least 80% of the sales of your product’s bestsellers

An Amazon launch service that is highly recommended is Here you can set up your campaign very easily and will be guided through the entire process. In addition, the test buyers are well selected and the entire service complies with Amazon guidelines.

Create PPC campaign

According to Topb2bwebsites, an Amazon PPC campaign is essential to increase rankings and gain more visibility. In addition to other marketing techniques such as email marketing, PPC marketing on Amazon is very important. You can find out how to set up your first PPC (Pay per Click) campaign and find the best keywords in this article.

Your advertising campaign isn’t necessarily intended to make a profit. The real profit is generated through organic purchases. Therefore, don’t be alarmed if your advertising costs eat up the “profit” of the products sold through it. Of course, it is ideal if you promote profitable keywords after a while. But that shouldn’t be the goal.

Create PPC campaign on Amazon

To create a PPC campaign on Amazon, click on “Advertising —> Manage Campaigns —> Create Campaign” in Seller Central . Then you enter a name and the start date. You can use a large amount as your daily budget, for example €30. Amazon will usually not take full advantage of this. This just avoids Amazon stopping your advertising due to a budget limit. You should initially select the alignment type manually. This gives you the opportunity to enter keywords for the PPC campaign yourself.

After selecting your product, you can also set the standard bid. €1.00 is a good starting value. You can later adjust this manually for each keyword. By clicking on “specify your own keywords” you will get to the desired input field. On the right you now have the following three options:

  • Broad: Amazon advertises for any combination of your stored keywords. Spelling errors and synonyms are also included. Amazon acts relatively freely here.
  • Phrase: Advertising is shown for search queries that exactly match your keywords. Amazon only gives itself any leeway for very similar queries such as plural/singular.
  • Exactly: Amazon has no leeway and only shows advertising if the search query exactly matches your keywords.

It’s best to select “phrase” for all keywords. This way you can then evaluate the keywords effectively and Amazon still has leeway within a reasonable framework. This will help you avoid advertising for keywords outside of your control.

Find keywords for PPC campaign

The best way to find the right keywords for your PPC campaign is to use tools like . First, write down all the words that describe your product. You can also look at the competition’s listings here. You then enter these words into the tool and you will receive all the combinations that customers are looking for in connection with your keyword on Amazon. By clicking on “copy all” you copy the entire list. Now add everything from Amazon into the keyword input field. Repeat this with all the main terms and you will soon have checked off all the important keywords. Of course, you can add other keywords that come to your mind spontaneously.

Evaluate PPC campaign

Your PPC campaign needs some time to deliver good results. After about 2 weeks you should go to the evaluation for the first time. In the campaign options you can see the following values ​​by clicking on the keyword number:

First, familiarize yourself with the data. Now you want to pause the bad keywords. To do this, sort the keywords according to the number of clicks. All keywords that have not achieved a sale after about 10 clicks convert poorly. You can stop this. For keywords that sell but your attributed sales costs are too high, you can first reduce the bid. Calculate the maximum amount of allocated sales costs for your product so as not to make a loss. If you have to spend €10 to sell your €10 product, your attributed cost of sales is 100%. If your margin is €3, you can have a maximum assigned cost of sales of 30%. Remember that your PPC campaign is primarily intended not for profit but for visibility and ranking.

The Start of Sales for Amazon FBA